Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day! & My Pictures!

Happy Valentines Day!!!<3

Heres some more pictures i have taken, my mom edited them. These were taken back in September but i thought i would put them on. Their is also more to come soon!!!

The Wedding!

Well the other day my grandpa got married. It was a fun day! It was at the Maddox Lodge and their was a lot of good food. Some of my cousins from Las Vegas flew in that morning so it was a lot of fun to see them. So heres some pictures from the occasion.

Sadie and her broken leg, Hannah and Kaden

JACK, i took this picture
My grandpa and Bonnie
All of the grandchildren and the new grandchildren

Monday, February 1, 2010

pictures of JANUARY!!!

We did a lot of paintingTubing!!!!
Our band! Lambsburg and the Ladies
Ice skating
Dress UP!
Thats pretty much It!

Friday, January 1, 2010


January-No picture but one thing I remember from January is a lot of snowboarding!
Febuary-No picture and I really don't remember anything from Febuary.
March-My dads birthday!
April-My moms birthday!
May-Yellow Stone trip for school. It was a lot of fun but I hated hiking.

June-San Diego trip!
July-Stadium of Fire!
August-My birthday! We don't have any pics from my birthday so this is just a random one I found.
September-Hannahs birthday! We had a party at High Point.
October-Gracies birthday! She turned SIX!
November-Thanksgiving day we went and found our Christmas tree.

rAnDoM pIcTuReS oF dEcEmBeR!

My Grandpa and Bonnie

Christmas Eve P.J's

Boots and his present

Wise Men

Christmas Day