We just go back from the Gardner Family Reunion! It was so much fun! The first day we all got there at like 5:oo ish and then we all decorated our cabins. There are five minnie cabins and then one big lodge so all of the cousins take the cabins and the parents get the lodge. Me, Kenz, Jessa, and Taylor shared a cabin. We had a great time! We stayed up till four in the morning and we were just crazy! We also floated down the river like 5 billion times! We found like this water slide thing and we all went down it on the tube and then we fell off into the river and it hurt so BAD! We were ok though. We also had the olympics and the treasure hunt! They were quite fun! That night we stayed up till four in the morning again and we made up this game with Apples to Apples cards. I don't know how to explain it but we were crazy! I was pretending to be a fish and I was yelling Gilbert and then Jessas jumping up and down going gummy gummmy gummy and Kenzie jumps of the bunk beds and pretends to be peter pan and land right on her face! It was GREAT! We all had a good time and made many great memories! Thanks for the memories Grafite, Picasso Sauce, Boa, and Unkown Stranger! Those are our code names! Well enjoy the pictures!
Kenzie, Jessa, and Me! We are the bestest of friends!

Gracie with all of her treasures she found on the treasure hunt.


The treasure.

Finding the treasure.

Looking at the map.

The olympics!

Ha ha so we were playing volley ball and Taylor got hit with the ball and she was like hey i gotta bloody nose and we were like ya right and ya! It was funny!

Spencer on the rope swing.


The little princesses cabin.

The six pak! all the littles!

SOme of the littles!

The big princesses cabin! This was my cabin!

Gracie puttin her tadpole in the garbage can.

N.J, Picasso Sauce, and Grafite.

The GUYS on the tube.

Us on the tube!

Hannah, Chloe, and Sadie!

Gracie and her tadpole.