So for the Fourth of July we went to Stadium of Fire! I was so excited especially because the Jonas Brother would be there! Right when they came on stage me and Hannah ran down as far as we could. We were having a jolly time singing and dancing and we were so close but then a security guard told us that we had to go back to our seats. I was so sad. We didn't go all the way back to our seats though. So ya, but then we went down there again but we got caught again and I was so so so so so SAD! But it was fun! We all had a great time! Gracie loves them and would really get into it. She would clap and sing along! It was so much fun!
The fire works! They where AMAZING!

The Jonas Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fire dancing people.

More dancers.

Me and Hannah waiting for the Jonas Brothers!
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