Me holding on for dear life.
Getting ready to jump!

Gracie & Mia

Sam Ben Gracie

Getting ready to jump!
Gracie & Mia
Sam Ben Gracie
So yesterday we went to Lava with my cousins. It was a lot of fun! We went on those new water slides that go across the highway and they were way fun! We all went on the yellow one and only me and Jye went on the purple one. We would yell messages and animal sounds as we went down the slide and people thought we were lunatics! We climbed the rock wall which was super hard but we all made it to the top! On the diving boards we did flips and no one got hurt. Before we left me, Hannah, and Jye went on the diving towers! My uncle had to sign our death certificates and I was freaking out! We went on the first tower and it doesn't look too high but once you get up there its pretty high! We all jumped off that twice and that was so much fun! We went to the second tower but that was really high! It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see ya Monday Jessa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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