This is of me and Jessa at my cabin in Bear Lake.
I don't look the best in this picture but this is me, Taylor, and Kenzie at Disney Land!
We took this picture like two years ago! It's me, Kenzie, Jessa, and Maddie. We were in my Grandpas room and we took all of these model shots with Jessa's new camera!
This picture brings back great memories. It's when we went to Disney Land with the whole Gardner family in November of 2008. Me, Taylor, Kenzie, and Jessa decided to go on Splash Mountain. That was like our favorite ride and we went on it so many times. As we were going on the ride and enjoying it Taylor decided to turn around and sit backward! So here we are on the ride and Taylors sitting backwards. Right before we start heading up the hill the whole ride stops. We are all freaking out and wondering whats going on. Then all of the sudden a lady comes out of a cave and tells Taylor to turn around. We where all so embarrased. Then the ride starts up again. As where on our way up the hill Taylor turns around again. We are all yelling at her and telling her to sit the right way and right as we get to the top of the hill I scream "Taylor I am so mad at you!" Look at the picture closely and you will see me at the top yelling, and then you'll see Taylor sitting backwards, then Kenzie doing a pose, and Jessa who's scared! It was so funny and I will never forget it!

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