Youth Conference was so much fun! The first day we went to a temple open house. We also went to the conference center and to hear an apostle speak. Then we drove all the way to Beaver and had a concert. The concert was my favorite part. When they announced who Jenny Frogly was going to perform for us I didn't know what to expect. They said that she was on Sounds for Sunday alot so I thought that it was going to be a sit down concert. I was wrong. We were up dancing and singing and having a great time. The guitar player was amazing, the drummer break danced for us, and the backup singer Macario was hilarious! He had the curliest hair and one time during the concert he came and joined the crowd. He was standing right behind us so me and my friends grabbed his hair! After the concert we got to meet to them and get their autographs. It was so much fun! The next day we dressed up like Nephites and Laminates and had a battle with flour bombs! We all got so dirt and had flour in our ears and hair! On the last day we rode the chairlift up to the top of the mountain and hiked back down. Then we ate lunch and went home. It was a great experience and I will never forget it!
14 years ago
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