Last weekend I went to my cousin Kenzies house. It was so much fun and we do really crazy things! So now I will tell you everything we did. Ok so first we went to the movie Fame, it was pretty good. Then we drove home and pranked called our favorite person we always prank call! Then when we go to Kenzies house me, kenz, Jessa, Kaden, and Kadens friend played our version of capture the flag and it was so much FUN! Then we go kinda bored so we went inside and ate some cheesecake at like midnight and it was so good! Then we went downstairs and watched these videos on YouTube called Happy Tree Friends and ya i cant really explain that. We were all laughing so hard! Then at three in the morning we all slept in Kenzies bed and i still cant believe we all fit! Early that morning at seven we woke up and went to an EFY thing. The speakers we're really funny and it was way good! Then we got home at twelve and rode our bikes to Taco Time. We go there ate for like two hours, I spit slurpee all over them, and then we entertained ourselves with water and i cant really explain that one either! Then we go home watched some Hannah Montanna and then believe it or not we took a nap for like an hour. It was very nice. Then we played pictionary for a while and that was a lot of fun! Then we ate and went to the corn maze and that was the best! The chain saw guy tried to cut my legs off! Then we went home played capture the flag again went downstairs played mario kart. Watched the food channel and forgot to turn it off so we slept to the food channel and then we got up and i had to go home and is was so so so so so so so so so so so SAD! But i had a great time, thanks for letting me come over Kenz! enjoy the pictures
Jessa playing mario kart

kenz i dont know what she's doing

kaden sleeping

i love this picture its us at the corn maze

jessa on a way cool bike i really wanted it


we love scooters for some reason


a heart

we like roses too

and our pot

the pot

you wouldnt understand these pictures usless you saw our baby pictures

o and after we took these things KENZIE broke the pot
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