Last Tuesday me, my mom, Hannah, and Kenzie all went to the Miley Cyrus concert. We had a great time and it was a lot of FUN! So her opening act was Metro Station and they were very intresting. I swear the one guy was wearing tights. My favorite song they sing is Shake It and that is mine and Kenzies song and we have this amazing dance to it which is pretty awesome! Then when they were over their was an intermission and me and Kenz went to go find Kenzies friend who had VIP PASSES! We tried to still them but it didn't work! But we almost got in but they didn't let us borrow their passes so we were kind of sad. Her friend got to meet Miley and got Kenzie and autograph! And so you guys all no Kenzie is her #1 FAN! So we didn't get to go backstage so we went back to our seats and Miley came out and we were freaking out and so excited and then she sang a couple songs and ran off stage to go throw up because she was sick. But she came back out and finished her concert! We sang and danced to every song! She rode on a motorcycle on one song and went out on a bunjee cord on another one! Then the concert was over and Kenzies friend said she had a suprise for us! We really thought we were going to meet her but then she just gave us her pass and told her we could keep it because Miley touched it but that we couldn't use it. But we still tired to use but we were a litttle late because Miley had already left. So if we were just a little bit faster we could of met her! And all of this proably didn't make sense so oh well! enjoy the pictures

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